I would like to thank the various people who have contributed to this website. Daryelle
Belzile and everyone connected with the Carrefour communautaire de Rosemont L'Entre-Gens. Jim Montgomery for various leads
and ideas. Beverley McLaughlin(Chapman),Jasia Zwolska, Ed Graveley, Graeme Rodden, Tony Manna and Linda Richardson for
the access to various images. Donald Stanbridge for his enthusiasm initiating the idea. Also various archival sources, mainly The
Gazette, were very helpful.
Given our advancing age it will be a good idea that once we advance beyond the start-up stage that
a system of regional and back-up contacts is established.
Since some of us are more comfortable communicating by mail or phone these alternatives have to
be covered as well.
Regardless of the system, getting over the re-connecting hurdle is the major obstacle. Be it, email,phone,regular
mail or other options the initial "Hi" is the hardest. Still it is well worth the effort.
Thank you.